Ohio Means Jobs
OhioMeansJobs.com is Ohio’s premier free, virtual employment and career planning center. This online hub serves all Ohioans, and it has a special section just for students in grades K-12.
For students, the journey begins by clicking here https://ohiomeansjobs.ohio.gov/home and register for a K-12 account.
OhioMeansJobs K-12 can even help students:
Find careers that match their interests
Learn the process of finding a job
Obtain assistance with their resume
Explore internships and part time job opportunities
Plan for the future
Identify Ohio’s most in-demand careers
Students can store information in their online backpack including:
Budget Plans
Career Plans
Information about education and training programs
Job search results
Free College entrance or career preparation practice tests are also available.
Explore OhioMeansJobs here: https://ohiomeansjobs.ohio.gov/home